American Pie
Starring: Jason Biggs, Chris Klein, Alyson Hannigan
Released: 1999
Genre (IMDB): Comedy
Synopsis (IMDB): Four teenage boys enter a pact to lose their virginity by prom night.
Cait’s Review:
Well… This movie aged like milk…
For the life of me, I cannot understand why I found this movie so funny when I was a teenage. This movie is straight up gross, and there is SO MUCH WRONG with it.
First, is this movie why the whole “incel” thing got started? A bunch of guys convinced they DESERVE sex, whether or not their significant others are into it?
Second- CONSENT!!! OMG!! The “Prank” they pull on the foreign exchange student?! Wrong on SO MANY LEVELS! Not to mention, Jason Bigg’s character just assuming that she is willing to have sex with him…
Third… You already know. Stiffler’s Mom. Even if that relationship wasn’t TECHNICALLY illegal, it’s still just… icky…
I really can’t find any redeeming qualities here… This one went straight from the DVD player into the trash with no regrets whatsoever.
Cait’s gives it: F
Joe’s Synopsis:
“4 future sex offenders learn that women have personalities”
Joe’s Review:
Okay, first off this is not a movie about Buddy Holly (much to my surprise), but it *is* shorter than Don McLean’s song.
Second, points for mentioning MSU.
Third, this movie is one huge sex joke, but after MeToo and getting out of middle school, it’s kinda rapey. Nope, not kinda, this movie is a full-on assault. Every single joke in this is about sex. It’s relentless. This movie is hornier than the worst incel.
If you can get past the fact that this takes place in high school, so broadcasting a video of an exchange student is CP, and that Stiffler’s mom is a statuary rapist, and that the whole movie is about underage sex, then you’ve got a lot wrong with you.
This movie didn’t age well, and any memories you have about it with rose-tinted glasses should be thrown out immediately.
I can’t believe enough people signed off on this to make it a movie. Unless it was Harvey Weinstein, then I completely believe it.
God, this movie is horrible.
I’m so happy we have all 3 of them. I can’t wait to watch them. I guess at least the sequels won’t have CP.
Joe Gives it: 0/5 (F-) (rev: legit review)