
PG-13 Starring: Kevin Kline, Sigourney Weaver Released: 1993 Genre (IMDB): Comedy, Romance Synopsis (IMDB): An uncanny Presidential lookalike named Dave is recruited by the Secret Service to become a momentary stand-in for the President of the United States. Cait says: I think I enjoyed this movie more when I didn’t know as much about politics …

America’s Sweethearts

PG-13 Starring: John Cusack, Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta- Jones, Billy Crystal, Christopher Walken Released: 2001 Genre (IMDB): Comedy, Romance Synopsis (IMDB): A movie publicist deals with the messy public split of his movie’s co-stars while keeping reporters at bay while a reclusive director holds the film’s print hostage. Cait’s Review: Pretty standard chick flick. Some …

About a Boy

PG-13 Starring: Hugh Grant, Rachel Weisz, and Toni Collette Released: 2002 Genre (IMDB): Drama, Comedy, Romance TW: Suicide Synopsis (Google): Will, a rich, child-free and irresponsible Londoner in his thirties, who, in search of available women, invents an imaginary son and starts attending single parent meetings. As a result ofone of his liaisons, he meets …