The Handy Guide to Playing Along

Overall Rules:

The player with the most points at the end of the movie gets to pick out the next movie.
I kinda wish we were using this score-based system to choose movies. But I definitely don’t want it, because Cait would win every time. And it’s more fun to suffer together.


Challenger: person who proposes the challenge
Contender: person who must complete the challenge
Ally: person or people who side with the Contender
Rival: person or people who side with the Challenger
Swiss: person or people unaffiliated with either team. These people are suitable for a third-party remediation

6-Degrees: Only movies, no TV shows!* No looking up actors or movies, this challenge is by memory alone. Challenge someone to link an actor in this movie to another in this movie within 6 steps (actor to another actor in a movie (1 step), that actor to another (2 steps), etc.).
If the Contender can’t get it within 10 minutes, the Challenger gets 1 point; if they can, they get 1 point and the Challenger loses 1 point.
The Contender has the option to debate the actors by asking the Challenger for one single other movie the actor(s) have been in. If the Challenger cannot name another movie for the actor, the Challenger must change the actor and name another movie they’ve been in by default. If the Challenger cannot think of another actor in the current movie, They loose 3 points. (Optional: entrust a third-party (Swiss) with the IMDb checks during this whole ordeal.)
Option for help: Ally must agree to help! Contender asks for help from a third party: if that team is able to solve it within 5 minutes, the Ally earns 1 point.
If the Ally fails and the Challenger can do it, the Challenger earns 2 points.
Further rules: you don’t need to call the actor by name, so long as you place the movie they’re in correctly. If you call the wrong movie/actor in their final answer, you lose 2 points. (e.g. saying Jake Gyllenhaal was in Spider-Man or saying Elijah Wood was in Swiss Army Man).

*Only movies: If shows were included, there would be too many guest appearances. Would SNL count as a show you could reference? How about The Tonight Show? Maybe a show with a set cast like The Simpsons?

Keywords: (format=Keywords: $word-to-drink) +1 points for everyone who notices when the keyword is mentioned.

Fact or Fiction: (for biopics and true stories) a Contender calls out any part of the film that they think might be a factual or fictional addition to the movie.
A Challenger can choose to, well, challenge that call. Other players get the chance to choose to side with them or against them (Allies or Rivals). The movie can pause for up to 5 minutes to verify. If the assertion is wrong, the Rivals all earn 1 point.
If the assertion is correct, the Allies earn 1 point, and the Contender earns 1 additional point.

Quotable Lines: quote the upcoming line. If you’re right, you get 1 point. If you’re wrong (say the wrong word (according to the subtitles) or say the line in the wrong place (like say it before the character says a different one), you lose 1 point.

H4ckrz: every time someone writes code in less than a minute or “hacks” a device in less than one minute air time (negated if it cuts to them with any time lapsed from when they start), or uses a computer to control any systems it shouldn’t be able to control; everyone who works a tech job earns 1 point (bonus point if they sigh when it happens).

In Your End-O: when something is said in the movie that could be taken as an innuendo, the first player to to knock loudly twice on any solid surface or to say “that’s what she said” or “title of your sex tape” gets 1 point.

Title Game: when the title is mentioned, everyone drinks

The Science Says: Challenger calls a vote on whether or not the medical/science is right. Anyone who votes in the affirmative automatically loses 1 point. The science in movies is never right.

Product Placement!: Call out for a brand that’s mentioned or displayed, get 1 point. You only need to name the brand if challenged, and they can rewind to verify.